(ChPL.Summeramba Countdown - Ch.DE,Ch.PL XCITING Oligarchia FCI)
Breeder & owner: Luiza Nilsson
HDA ED 0/0
PRA1- normal
PRA2- normal
Ichtioza ( łupież genetyczny)– czysta
Champion Polski
Młodzieżowy Champion Polski
IDS Dresden 27.04.2013 - Anw.Dt.Ch.VDH- Sigrid Jarmer (CH)
IDS Katowice 17.03.2012- CAC- A.Skrzyński (PL)
Koszalin 06.01.2012 - CAC - Z.Konderla (PL)
Zielona Góra 16.09.2011- CAC- R. Niklasiewicz (PL)
Gdańsk 06.01.2011- CAC- E.Sobieszczańska (PL)
Miastko 09.10.2010 - CAC - M.Wytyk (PL)
IDS Wrocław 25/26.09.2010- Junior Winner, Best Junior - J.Opara (PL)
Inowrocław 16.05.2010 - Junior Winner - R.Niklasiewicz (PL)
Bydgoszcz 03.05.2010 - Junior Winner, Best Junior- K.Czechowski (PL)
Bydgoszcz 14.02.2010 - WO1- J.Szczepańska-Korpetta (PL)
Bydgoszcz 13.02.2010 - WO1, Best Puppy,BIS Puppy4 - E.Sobieszczańska (PL)
IDS Głogów 22/24.01.2010 - WO1, Best Puppy,BIS Puppy4- J.Szczepańska- Korpetta (PL)
Parents |
2nd generation |
3rd generation |
4th generation |
Ch.Summeramba Countdown |
Ipcress Sir Thomas |
Perrimay Hugo of Fenwood |
Ipcress Sky Blue |
Lovehayne Scarlet Sage for Shardanell |
Elswood the Highlander |
Lovehaynne Marcasite |
Summeramba Fettucini |
Mulfield Acorn of Summeramba |
Siatham Robinson of Mulfield |
Mulfield Rambling Rose |
Hillbeth Georgie Girl of Summeramba |
Tamarley Top Secret of Kinderbrook |
Ritzlyn Pick-a Lilly of Hillbeth |
Ch.De,Ch.Pl Xciting Oligarchia |
Summeramba Chopin |
Mulfield Acorn of Summeramba |
Siatham Robinson of Mulfield |
Mulfield Rambling Rose |
Summeramba Classical |
Summeramba Cowboy Serenade |
Twilly Iphiginia of Summeramba |
Off Course of the Hellacious Acres |
Sansue Hi’Land Storm |
Elswood the Highlander |
Sansue Waterlily |
Buttons of the Hellacious Acres |
Stanfast Angus |
Westley Cathrina |